This Image here is a composite image of what the sculpture would look like in place just behind the fence to the right-hand side of the entrance to War Memorial Field.
Back in May 2023, I think. At a Men in Shed's Alliance (Humber) meeting that we were hosting at the Shed on the Isle, the subject of tool donations and how all shed's end up with some very old or worn tools which are part of tool donations, we have received but are of no use, and that most are disposed of. Having the thoughts that pass through my mind... Here is how the thought process went.
The shed has old tools. I have always been impressed by the trustees of the War Memorial Field who hold dear and respect the reason the site is here. I have heard stories such as mothers telling their Epworth sons who are off to play football "Be extra respectful if your playing on the memorial field" The Shed is proud to have our home on the site. We just happen to have a World renowned award-winning sculptor as a shed member Mr. Ian Campbell-Briggs MRSS.
See His website here
What, just what, if we could combine all the above, and more to bring together a project to honor those fallen in conflict, whilst at the same time bringing together The Shed its members, other sheds, the site we call home, and the community. Using the skills of Ian our Shed member sculptor to pull it off. I wonder??????
Our Shed is located at the Epworth's War Memorial Field on Station Road. Purchase for £500 raised by subscriptions on 8 April 1920 to hold as a public recreation ground “as a perpetual memorial to the men of Epworth who fell in The Great European War
More info can be found here
Our Shed members community members, funders, contributing Sheds from the Humber Area and local veterans will be able to make a personal contribution to the sculpture. A workshop on basic
welding so those that wish to, can contribute to the fabrication process. We would weld all the tools and the curvilinear lines into place. Turn over and weld all the joins at the back and finally weld the two figures together. Each Shed within the Men's Shed's Alliance (Humber) and the community will be asked to contribute old hand tools, which would be used to fabricate the figure. This would then foster a feeling of inclusivity for the project. Although the sculpture would be fabricated by Ian and volunteers
from The Shed on the Isle.
The designs and the maquette show two soldiers merged together forming a cross. They stand on two formalised sheds seen from different perspective points, one front and the other from the side.
The soldiers are seen in one view from the front saluting and the other from the side, at attention. Each plane would be made from objet-trouvé, i.e. found tools welded together. The spaces between the tools would be connected using Ian's signature curvilinear line made from hand-bent 6mm rod steel. The sculpture would be life-size and be placed on reclaimed York stone paving as a base. The base as seen in the image above, is in the form of a cross. This again echoes the form of the sculpture and alludes to the headstones across the cemeteries of France and Belgium. The finished work would be allowed to rust. One for aesthetic reasons and the other as it would then relate to the twisted and rusting objects from the fields of the 1st World War. The soldiers relate to the fallen and those that returned home to Epworth, and the War Memorial Field site which is the shed's home.
A bid will be made to the Arts Council National Lottery Projects Grants Fund. We also have a Just Giving page should you wish to contribute to this community memorial project personally.
You can do so here:
Ian Campbell-Briggs our shed member and Sculpture approached and was on board with the idea.
An approach was made to the trustees of the War Memorial Field site for initial thoughts and basic approvals and feedback was positive from them.
Shed members on boards with the idea as were the members of the Humber sheds alliance.
We hope the community is also behind us with this project if you are let us know please.
A Flag Pole has been added to the location of the Sculpture.
We now have a full proposal and costing for the project.
An approach was made to Mr Robert Fish who has written many books on local history including the book of the fallen in the church. He was also the driver behind the memorial Plaque on the Thurlow Pavillion. For any contribution, he would wish to make to the dedication of the project.
The project proposal has been written.
The next step is a funding application to the Arts Council, watch this space.
Just giving page started
Registration has been started for the Application Process with the Arts Council
Come back to this page for information on the progress of this project any questions or contributions you wish to make please contact us.
The Shed on the Isle
War Memorial Field Station Rd, Epworth DN9 1JU
Copyright © 2024 The Shed on the Isle - All Rights Reserved.